RAY Engineering



T-Mobile Corporation TelVista Corporation Convergys Corporation American Water Works

American Water Works
St. Louis, MO

Convergys Corporation
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

T-Mobile Call Center
Mission, TX


RAY Engineering has designed over 50 call centers since its founding in 1986.  Most of our call center designs incorporate energy recovery wheels.  The energy recovery wheels extract energy from building exhausts and uses the energy to condition outside air required for ventilation.  Call centers typically have very high ventilation requirements.  The pay back on these energy recovery wheels is usually less than 2 years.

RAY Engineering has incorporated raised floor plenums in many of our call center designs.  The plenum space below the floor is used for the delivery of air and the routing of modular wiring.  These buildings have substantially reduced energy costs yet greater ventilation air for occupants.  Mechanical and Electrical Systems are less expensive than conventional systems which helps offset the cost of the raised floor.

Telvista Call Centers - Odessa, TX & Danville, VA
Two new Call Centers, 150,000 Sq. Ft. Total

T-Mobile Call Center - Mission, TX
New 75,000 Sq. Ft. Call Center

Convergys Corporation - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
New 100,000 Sq. Ft. Call Center on Two Floors with Raised Floor System

Adelphia Cable - PA, OH, & CA
One new and Four renovated Call Centers

OSI - Pittsburgh, PA
New 45,000 Sq. Ft. Call Center

American Water Works - St. Louis, MO
New 60,000 Sq. Ft. Call Center